Our Approach

At OrganEyes, we are dedicated to serving both large and small enterprises with our comprehensive inventory management solutions. Our goal is to empower businesses of all sizes with the tools and capabilities to operate efficiently and effectively, regardless of their scale. We understand that every organization is unique, and our solutions are designed to accommodate the diverse needs of both large and small enterprises.

With OrganEyes, you gain access to a powerful suite of features and functionalities that streamline your day-to-day operations. From inventory management to sales tracking, our platform offers the essential tools you need to drive success, regardless of the size of your business. Whether you’re a multinational corporation or an independent Sales Rep, OrganEyes provides scalable solutions that adapt to your specific requirements.

Our Story

The inception of OrganEyes was fueled by the struggles faced by eye care professionals in maintaining profitability. Witnessing these challenges firsthand, we set out to create a comprehensive solution. Thus, OrganEyes was born – a cutting-edge inventory management software designed specifically for eyecare professionals, equipping them to thrive in an increasingly industrialized market.

Our founder, Trish, took the initiative to develop a system that would revolutionize inventory management. Starting with spreadsheets that contained vital information, she provided invaluable insights on tracking profits and losses, deterring theft, optimizing vendor relationships, and evaluating the sales team. This initial framework significantly enhanced efficiency, productivity, and overall profitability. Today, we are proud to see Trish’s brainchild evolve into a complete software solution, effectively addressing the challenges faced by the optical industry.

The success stories of our clients serve as a testament to the transformative power of OrganEyes. We are dedicated to continually improving our software and delivering exceptional customer service to ensure that eye care professionals like you can stay ahead of the curve and achieve lasting success.


Next Steps…

At OrganEyes, we understand the challenges faced by eyecare optical professionals striving for growth. Managing numerous tasks can lead to bottlenecks and jeopardize the success of your business. That’s why we have developed a tailored inventory management solution specifically designed for the optometry market, revolutionizing the optical industry.

Our comprehensive solution integrates the best software, reporting, and analytics, providing you with a platform to streamline your operations and unlock unparalleled success for your business. OrganEyes is an investment that empowers you to optimize your processes and achieve remarkable results. Experience the transformative power of OrganEyes and take your business to new heights.

To take the next step towards optimizing your inventory control, we invite you to fill out our Contact Form Here or Call +1-800-958-3937 today. Our team is ready to schedule a personalized demonstration of our solutions, tailored to meet your unique needs. Experience firsthand how OrganEyes can transform your inventory management and drive growth for your eyecare business.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead in the ever-evolving optical industry. Contact us today to learn more and embark on a journey towards success.


Meet the Team

Trish Barilla

Trish Barilla

President and Co-Founder

Amy Brown

Amy Brown

Software Architect & Co-founder

Mike Barilla

Mike Barilla

Director, Business Development